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The Princess Mother Memorial Park

03 April 2019

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Back when the King Bhumibol Adulyadej conferred his initiation to survey the neighbourhood whereby Princess Srinagarindra had lived as a child, which was behind Anongkaram Temple in Khlong San District, Bangkok, as well as the surrounding community, it was found that the area has been different from others as it has been home to Chinese, Muslim and Laos that have lived together in harmony since the era of King Rama III. Nowadays, original traditions and dwellings have changed, so the revival or conservation should be promoted in order to sustain the unique way of life. Built in 1993, with the aim to respond to the royal thoughts of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the Princess Mother Memorial Park expected to conserve old buildings in the neighbourhood of Princess Srinagarindra and to transform them into the museum. The 4-rai plot of land situated in the community behind Anongkaram Temple was bestowed to King Bhumibol Adulyadej by Mr. Dang Nana and Mr. Lek Nana, the former owners, with the expectation to serve as a community park.  


The park comprises several sections as follows:


Exhibition Hall 1 The royal biography of Princess Srinagarindra is displayed, side by side with timeline of the Royal Funeral Ceremony. There are also exhibitions on the royal residences, palaces, childhood home and history of the community around Anongkaram Temple, which is considered a historical community that the residents of different races and religious beliefs, including Thai, Chinese, Muslim and Laos, have lived together peacefully.   


Exhibition Hall 2 Royal duties, royal activities and handicrafts of Princess Srinagarindra are exhibited. 


Imitated Home features the imitation of “Original Home” whereby Princess Srinagarindra had resided while living in this neighbourhood. The actual home was less than 200 metres away from Anongkaram Temple. The Imitated Home was decorated according to details portrayed in the “mae lao hai fang”, the book composed by Princess Galayani Vadhana.    


Sripipat Art Centre (Pae Bunnag) is a heritage building renovated from an early Rattanakosin building and was renamed with the original owner’s name, Chao Phraya Sripipat Rattana Raja Kosathibodhi (Pae Bunnag), the director-general of Treasury Department in the era of King Rama V. The centre features temporary exhibitions that are displayed indoor and outdoor, as well as educational art activities, which are held continually. The centre offers opportunities for general artists to showcase their art skills.


Engraved Stone Plate is a large-sized engraved stone that portrays the royal duties of Princess Srinagarindra. The engraved sandstone on the south side tells the story of Princess Srinagarindra as she visited rural areas in Thailand, whereas the one on the north depicts the Wai Sa Mae Fa Luang Ceremony.


The Ancient Pond has long been existed with the home of Chao Phraya Sripipat Rattana Raja Kosathibodhi (Pae Bunnag). Serving household consumption, servants had used the conventional method to carry up water using a bucket tied to a pulley with a rope. 


Servant Residence features Chinese architecture built in the era of King Rama 3. The dwelling was originally used by servants of Chao Phraya Sripipat Rattana Raja Kosathibodhi (Pae Bunnag).


Octagon-shaped Pavilion marks the celebration of the 8th Cycle Birthday Anniversary of Princess Srinagarindra by which was unfavourably completed after her death. On 21 January 1997, King Bhumibol Adulyadej had presided over to chair the official opening of the Princess Mother Memorial Park and used the octagon pavilion for his relaxation.


Pana Pavlion is a small shop that sells drinking water, herbal drinks, souvenirs of the park and products from the Royal Chitralada Project or those produced by the park’s officials or community residents.


Reading Zone is located on the ground floor, right behind the Sripipat Art Centre. This 2-storey 20x5 metre building features Chinese architecture that was popular in the era of King Rama 3. Previously used as the kitchen for the family of Chao Phraya Sripipat Rattana Raja Kosathibodhi (Pae Bunnag), it was transformed into the reading zone for visitors and general public to enjoy with a wide variety of books. 


Waterside Park is for the recreation of people. There is also a Petanque court for players of all age ranges to enjoy.




Organization Museum

Important Person/ History /Archeology


Address And Contact Number

Soi Somdet Chao Phraya 3, Khlong San Khet Khlong San Bangkok 10600
Telephone : 0-2437-7799, 0-2439-0902
Fax : 0-2437-1853
Website : http://www.theprincessmothermemorialpark.org
Email : webmaster@theprincessmothermemorialpark.org

Operating hours

The Park           6.00 am - 6.00 pm daily 

The Museum     8.30 am - 4.30 pm, except Public Holidays 

Reading Zone    8.30 am - 4.30 pm, except Monday-Tuesday

Admission fee

Free for general public. Official request is required for group visit representing an organisation. Please contact in advance at 0-2437-7799. A guided tour will be provided. 

Getting There

Bus no. 6, 42, 43

Proper for General Public


Proper for Children


Credit Card


Advanced Booking

Recommended for group visit 

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